Home 9 Giving


Why Give?

Arts education should be fundamental. It should be woven through the entire curriculum. The cognitive skills of artists are some of the most important cognitive skills today. ~ Daniel Pink, author, “A Whole New Mind”

To reach its goals, the Honolulu Waldorf School relies upon the support and involvement of our entire community– board members, faculty and staff, parents, grandparents, alumni, friends, and community members–through a coordinated series of fundraising activities. Every contributor is an important stakeholder in this unique community that nurtures our children so completely. Your philanthropic participation is essential to making a difference in the life of a child!

Foodland Give Aloha

Here’s how you can donate:

  • Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save!
  • Show your Maika’i card to the cashier at checkout
  • Tell the cashier our code (77069) and the amount of your donation (up to $249)
  • Review your receipt to confirm the following appears:
    • Our organization name
    • Your donation amount
    • Your Maika’i number

To make gifts over $249 during September, please contact the office at (808) 377-5471 or email ahong@honoluluwaldorf.org.

We appreciate your dedication to our community and hope to reach our $10,000 goal again this year!

Humza Malik
Scholarship Fund

Humza Malik was a student at the Honolulu Waldorf School from 2006-2010. He joined Mr. William Gentner’s Grade 3 class mid-year where he felt welcomed and vested in the school. Waldorf shaped his life, and he made so many wonderful friends during his time at the school. Even after Humza moved to Chicago in 2010, he always kept in touch with his Waldorf friends. Click below to read more. . . 

Annual Giving Fund

The Annual Fund is HWS’s most important fundraising activity of the year and is an essential part of the school’s operating budget. Our annual budget is comprised of a blend of tuition income and your philanthropic support. Together, these funds support the current operations and essential needs of the school. The Annual Fund drive is an appeal to all members of our community to make tax-deductible contributions that help ensure the best possible education for our children. These gifts improve the daily lives of students and faculty members. Click below to read more. . . 

Roberta Bishop

Roberta Ozaki Bishop Memorial Fund

Roberta Ozaki Bishop transformed the quality of education for countless schools throughout Hawaii and across the nation. In her work with the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS), Roberta was instrumental in developing the current accreditation processes for independent schools that are rigorous, self-reflective, and promote school improvement. She guided and mentored all HAIS member schools, and their leaders, in implementing best practices . . . Click below to read more. . . 

Waldorf Teacher Training Fund

We are excited to share a message from Joey and Kate, parents in our community who are committed to raising funds for continued Waldorf training for our faculty. Please click below to read more . . .

Tuition Assistance

While the primary financial responsibility of each student’s education falls to the family of each student, we recognize that financing an independent school education is difficult for some families. Many parents choose Waldorf for its unique curriculum and nurturing environment, and will go to great lengths and make sacrifices to provide that education for their children. We are committed to helping these families afford this choice. Your support of the Tuition Assistance Program through the Annual Fund can help make a child’s education possible.

Legacy and Asset Giving

There are many ways to include HWS as a beneficiary in your estate planning. Planned gifts will be directed according to the donor’s interests and wishes. Those who have notified the HWS Development Office of a planned gift will be recognized in the Annual Giving Report unless otherwise specified. Please contact the Office of Advancement: advancement@honoluluwaldorf.org

Legacy and Asset Giving

There are many ways to include HWS as a beneficiary in your estate planning. Planned gifts will be directed according to the donor’s interests and wishes. Those who have notified the HWS Development Office of a planned gift will be recognized in the Annual Giving Report unless otherwise specified. Please contact the Office of Advancement: advancement@honoluluwaldorf.org