Celebrating over 60 years of the Honolulu Waldorf School and its influence on the lives of hundreds of alumni. One of the core tenants of the Waldorf philosophy has been centered around building and sustaining community. Towards that end we are looking to build out the HWS alumni registry. Alumni, former students and parents are all part of the community and are encouraged to keep in touch.
Now, as an extended global community, our hope is to create a more interconnected network of alumni to help support the HWS. We are looking for you, Honolulu Waldorf Alumni! Please click here to keep in touch with your beloved school, or fill out the form below . . . We sure would love to hear from you!
In a recent study, 556 individuals who graduated between 1943 and 2005 responded to a survey that indicated:
94% of Waldorf high school graduates attended college.
47% majored in arts/humanities and 42% in sciences/math.
88% graduated or were about to graduate from college.
94% were self-reliant and highly valued self-confidence.
96% highly valued interpersonal relationships.
90% highly valued tolerance of other viewpoints.
89% were highly satisfied with choice of occupation.
91% practiced and valued life-long learning.
Many Waldorf graduates have gained success in very diverse and visible careers!
Click here to see famous Waldorf Alumni from around the world like Jennifer Anniston, Sandra Bullock, and Joanna Newsom!

HWS Grade 8 alumnus — Psychiatry Residency, Tripler Army Medical Center
It is not very hard to see the early influence of the Waldorf education on my life. It was our introduction to the Spartan warrior ethic that inspired me to pursue an appointment to the Naval Academy, since it most closely resembled a modern Agoge. At the same time it enabled me to develop my mind and moral character in good Athenian tradition. Moreover, it was the ideal of the Renaissance man that was the greatest influence – inspiring me to pursue a diverse and broad education and life.
From my Waldorf foundation, I developed an intense curiosity and profound love of other cultures as well as a passion for languages. It inspired me to continue studying French after I left Waldorf, as well as Spanish and Japanese – and then to live in France, Spain and Japan, and visit numerous other countries.

Class of 2012 – Attended Brigham Young University
On Tuesday, October 18, 2011 senior Aloe Corry was one of fifteen students honored at the State Capital Building for her essay on the topic, Why Sustainability Is Important to Me, Hawai‘i, and to APEC. Aloe’s essay was one of ten to receive an honorable mention. Her work was part of a statewide essay competition sponsored by the DOE, HAIS, and APEC. At HWS, Aloe and fellow students explored this question as part of their World Economics main lesson block with Humanities teacher Greg Stock. The class also explored some of the controversy surrounding APEC’s policies.

Grade 8 alumnus – Associate Public Defender for the Louisville-Jeffereson County Public Defender Metro Office
Francis attended the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee; University of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis School of Law.
“My parents always said to people that their decision to join the Waldorf School was made because of the dedication all the teachers had to nurturing a love of learning through the Waldorf curriculum. Whenever I am complimented for my work, I explain that any skill I can claim to have in thinking, writing, and caring was given to me at the Waldorf School, where the facility for all higher learning begins with things like folding silks, knitting, tossing bean bags, clapping and moving rhythmically, and not being asked to do formal reading until the second grade. I confess that I enjoy the baffled looks in response and the chance to tell people more about my kindergarten and elementary Waldorf schooling and why I think it is the key to my later success in school.”
— Francis Rodgers

HWS Grade 7 alumnus, attended German Waldorf Schools through Grade 13, Medical School Graduate
Anna is a recent German medical school graduate (November 2011) and received her US medical degree in October 2012.
“My Waldorf education in Hawaii and in Germany prepared me for the many challenges of medical school at a university in Germany. On the one hand, I learned organized thought processes and “study skills”. At the same time, my education prepared me to go out into the world as an independent and responsible adult.
What I am most grateful for in regards to my Waldorf education is not just the “book knowledge” that has helped me throughout my medical education, but especially the value placed on the personal development of the individual throughout high school. Waldorf schools nourish the development of children into mature young adults that are capable of independent thinking “outside of the box” and making informed decisions. The Waldorf curriculum also promotes global and critical thinking by approaching topics from the larger whole and then focusing in on their individual parts.
Waldorf education encourages students to develop into well-rounded, socially competent and intelligent individuals with strong personalities and open minds.”
— Anna Lueker
HWS Grade 8 alumnus, Sacramento Waldorf School Class of 2012 – Attended UC Berkeley
“The pervasive theme of Waldorf education is the pursuit of beauty. I have learned that the pursuit of beauty in a painting, a piece of writing, hitting a baseball, a sprint, a chemical reaction, playing the trumpet, and giving a dramatic performance all takes a lot of effort and care. Similarly, I believe it takes a lot of effort and care to pursue beauty in the future of our planet. Through my college experience at UC Berkeley, I want to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively and realistically put my desire for a sustainable planet into action.”
— Sho Kawano
Class of 2007 – Musician
“Taimane picked up her first ukulele at the age of five and began her future in performing. Later, while playing on the streets of Waikiki with beach boys backing her up, Taimane was discovered by legendary Hawaiian crooner Don Ho, and she soon became a featured performer in his show. From there her popularity grew. Taimane has performed in Las Vegas, California, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Samoa. She has played privately for John Travolta, Steven Seagal, George Clooney, Toyota, Pepsi, IBM and at international film festivals, and she has opened for Chicago, Jimmy Buffett, Konishiki, Cecilio and Kapono, Na Leo and Chris Isaak.” From Taimane’s website.
Class of 2008 – graduated the University of San Francisco, Film major
Matt graduated in June 2012 from the University of San Francisco and is working as a videographer and photographer here in Honolulu together with HWS 2007 alum, Shaun Goo.
“From Kindergarten to twelfth grade I went to a Waldorf School, which is an alternative form of education that has a strong focus on the development of the student’s creativity. It forced us to constantly work on a wide variety of art projects, so when I came to college I was suddenly removed from this routine. Last year as I was coming close to reaching my 21st birthday I became stuck in an existential funk that had me going on a lot of solitary camping trips in the wilderness as I tried to figure out the meaning of this life. I did a lot of reading while I was alone in the woods and I came upon this sentence: “If you don’t create, all you’re doing is taking.””
— Matt Ching, from an interview at
Honolulu Waldorf students have attended the following institutions:
Classes of 2007-2012 College Acceptances and *Matriculations
Alaska Pacific University, Antioch College Arizona State, University Bard College, Boston University, *Bradley University, *Brigham Young University, *Brooks Institute of Photography, *Brown University, *California College of the Arts, California Institute of the Arts, *California Lutheran University, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, *California State University, Cazenovia College, Chaminade University, Champlain College, Chapman University, Cleveland Institute of Music, Colby College, *College of Santa Fe, *Colorado College, Creighton University, DigiPen Institute of Technology, *Dominican University, Eastman School of Music, *Emerson College, *Eugene Lang College, The New School, *European University, Munich, *Evergreen State College, *Fashion Institute of Technology, Fort Lewis College, Goucher College, Hampshire College, Hartwick College, *Hawaii Pacific University, *Hobart and William Smith College, Hofstra University, *Humboldt State University, *Ithaca College, *Kapi‘olani Community College, Lasell College, *Linfield College, Long Beach City College, The Los Angeles Film School, Loyola University of Chicago, Loyola Marymount University, *Manhattanville College, *Mannes College of Music, Marist College, McDaniel College, Mills College, Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD), *Mt. Holyoke College, *Naropa University, *New York University, Northeastern University, Oberlin Conservatory, *Occidental College, *Oregon State University, Pace University, *Pacific University, Pitzer College, Randolph-Macon College, Regis College, *Saint Mary’s College of California, Saint Xavier University, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, San Fransisco State University, *Santa Clara University, Sarah Lawrence College, *Savannah College of Art and Design, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, School of Visual Arts, New York, Seattle University, Shepherd Universtiy, Sierra Nevada College, *Skidmore College, St. Mary’s College of California, Syracuse University, *University of Advancing Technology, *University of California, Berkeley, *University of California, San Diego, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Deleware, University of Denver, *University of Hawai‘i, Manoa, University of Indiana, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University of Oregon, University of Portland, University of Puget Sound, *University of Redlands, *University of the Pacific, *University of San Diego, *University of San Francisco, University of Southern California, *University of Tubingen, Germany, University of Vermont, *University of Washington, Washington State University, Western Washington University, Wheaton College, *Whittier College, Windward Community College, Willamette University
Please check out these great businesses and services owned or operated by your fellow Waldorf Alumni!
Click Here to be directed to the complete Waldorf Alumni Business Directory