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Waldorf Teacher Training Fund

We are excited to share a message from Joey and Kate, parents in our community who are committed to raising funds for continued Waldorf training for our faculty. Please see their message below asking for your support.

Dear the HWS Community,

The greatness of Honolulu Waldorf School and community begins with our teachers. We want Honolulu Waldorf School to be THE exemplary Waldorf school in the world, but being located on a remote island means our access to, and ability to retain and support Waldorf-trained teachers is more challenging. It is important for our community to come together to support and nurture the Waldorf training for our dedicated teachers at our school.

Beginning now, our goal is to raise AT LEAST $10,000.00 for a restricted fund that will be put exclusively toward Waldorf teacher training initiatives for teachers who are committed to returning to teach at HWS for at least the next school year. Any amount donated will help and be appreciated by the teachers, and ultimately, the benefits will be experienced by all of our children. Please click here to donate!

The teachers are eager to receive additional Waldorf training which can be accomplished in a variety of forms; from hosting experts for on-campus seminars, to online training, to immersive in-person training at one of the many Waldorf training campuses around the world.

Our tuition covers many expenses at the school from salaries, facilities, supplies, etc., and there is an annual professional development fund that the school holds and allocates yearly. However, it is not enough to meet the demand, nor is it allocated specifically to Waldorf training. Let’s all pitch in and make every effort to support our most valuable resource, our Honolulu Waldorf School teachers!


Kate and Joey