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Roberta Ozaki Bishop Memorial Fund

Roberta Bishop

Roberta Ozaki Bishop transformed the quality of education for countless schools throughout Hawaii and across the nation. In her work with the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS), Roberta was instrumental in developing the current accreditation processes for independent schools that are rigorous, self-reflective, and promote school improvement. She guided and mentored all HAIS member schools, and their leaders, in implementing best practices. Her leadership, passion, and love truly reshaped the landscape of independent schools, and as a result, thousands of students benefited and will continue to do so for many years to come.

Honolulu Waldorf School (HWS) was particularly blessed as Roberta also served 22 years of her career as an educator and leader here. Roberta made a lasting impression on the school community, and HWS is thriving today because of the foundational work Roberta invested in our school. HWS has always been a home to Roberta, her children, and her grandchildren. She loved and supported HWS wholeheartedly, and we are incredibly grateful for all her gifts. It is an honor to host Roberta’s celebration of life. For HWS, she will always be remembered and cherished.