The young child is open and impressionable, and requires a loving, safe, and nurturing environment. The Waldorf Early Childhood program is a haven where children grow and flourish, protected from the complex, often chaotic world. The early childhood years are a time of joy and exuberance, and the children’s social, emotional, creative, and physical development is supported through cheerful activity and positive example. In our Early Childhood program, children begin to develop the capacity for creative thinking, problem solving, and social skills through their imaginative play, which is essential to the child’s healthy development. These early years are the time to strengthen in our children the qualities of imagination, curiosity, and love and respect for all life that will sustain them throughout their lives.
- Children explore or work alongside an adult
- Parents have an opportunity to share parenting experiences with each other and an experienced Early Childhood teacher
- Space is limited and filled on a first-paid, first-served basis
- The Parent Child class is offered to children UNDER age 3
The Parent Child program offers parents and caregivers, along with their young infants and toddlers (must be under 3), an introduction to child development and the Waldorf philosophy of early childhood education. The classes are held in quarterly sessions, and in a beautiful and nurturing environment that supports the wonders and exploration of the first years of life. Each week we begin our play date in the early childhood play yard under the umbrella shade of the giant monkey pod trees. This outdoor world stimulates the senses and allows freedom of movement as the children explore the rich sensory world of sand, water and plants. Swinging, blowing bubbles, riding in the wagon and feeding the birds are just some of the activities that the little ones enjoy. The second half of the play time is spent in our Parent Child room which is designed to allow the youngest children to experience a home like and stimulating environment in which to explore age appropriate toys and their beginning social interactions. We have a nutritious snack, join together in singing games and finger plays, and finish off the morning with a simple puppet story. During the morning parents and caregivers are supported in their parenting and inspired by conversations with other parents and with an experienced, Waldorf trained teacher. Topics may include creating rhythm and routine in home life, health and nutrition, sleep patterns, and motor and speech development. For parents who are interested, there is also a simple toy making craft activity. Please join us for this lovely play date with your child!
The program fosters independence and social skills as the children learn manners and self care. Bread baking, painting, songs and games, and imaginative play all enrich the young child’s growing years and the daily, weekly, and seasonal rhythms create a necessary bridge from home to school.
The preschool is often the first transition away from home and parents. It provides a warm, gentle, experience in a home like environment. The child’s natural feelings of wonder and trust are nurtured in many ways through circle time with finger-plays, songs and movement games; and seasonal stories with puppets. This is a 3 or 5 day program, Monday thru Friday, with a 2:45pm pickup. We have early dismissal at 2pm on Wednesday’s.
Children may be transitioning from diapers to being fully potty trained. Limited spots for diapers. It is preferred that the child is weaned before starting with us, and all children must be two by the time school starts.
Stories and puppet plays cultivate the imagination and strengthen the ability to listen, concentrate, and develop language skills. Daily circle activities with accompanying songs, verses, singing games and movement inspire a love for language and music and provide pre-reading skills. Children learn by imitation and repetition. They see their teachers engage in meaningful work and model good social behavior. Star Children are given more responsibility, often organize their own games and puppet plays, and are given a range of activities that help them prepare for the next phase of school life.
In the mixed-age Kindergarten, children begin to develop the capacity for creative thinking, problem solving, and social skills through their free imaginative play. The Kindergarten provides a variety of simple, natural toys, and indoor and outdoor settings to spark individual and group play and aid in the development of many basic skills such as sequencing, sensory integration, vocabulary, fine and gross motor skills, and observation. Acquiring these skills gradually is a foundation for academic learning, future social responsibility, and self-confidence. The reassuring routines of the Kindergarten, with a weekly rhythm of baking, painting, eurythmy, and nature hikes, provide a strong, stable framework to guide the child harmoniously through the day, the week, and the seasons. Stories told from memory by the class teacher each day are often repeated in puppetry form as well as dramatic rendering by the children. The age appropriate activities and vigorous play promote learning for years to come.
Children who are in the mixed-age kindergarten for several years have a new experience each year. As they grow and develop, they see the world in an ever changing way. In the Kindergarten, additional focus is given to the Star Children, who are the children who will move on to first grade the following year. The Star Children are the examples and models for the younger children in the class. They are given special responsibilities and chores, and help with snack preparation and serving. Oldest children create their own book of drawings and have special handwork projects to develop fine motor skills, focus and perseverance. Each Star Child hand stitches a complete doll and blanket, and the entire class celebrates with a “naming ceremony” when the dolls are finished.
This is a 5-day program, Monday thru Friday, with a 2:45pm pickup. We have early dismissal at 2pm on Wednesday’s.
Children must be 4 years by the start of the school year. All children must be weaned and potty trained to enter in our mixed-age Kindergarten program.